Today, we honor all those selflessly dedicate their lives to support others through life's toughest times.
Funeral directors at their core are the most compassionate, caring, and thoughtful people out there. Funeral directors put everyone's needs before their own, consistently

We just did the math...
And funeral directors only make up about .006% of the population.
This is a very small fraction of a number, BUT... this .006% is felt by all 100% of humans at some point in their lives.
There is NO other group of people that match the character and love of funeral directors.
At Mortuary Marketing, we are incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to work with the best of the best people in the world.
You all are the heart and soul of our work, and we thank you all for all you do, every day.
Happy National FD Day. We love you all!
P.S. We're giving out $1,000 in FREE advertising for the next year to 5 lucky funeral homes in honor of National FD Day. Email "funeral director 2024" to to redeem.